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Life Moves Through

Online Breathwork Circles 2025

Please join me for
• Quarter Moon - New Year’s Vision - Sunday, February 9th, 4:00 - 6:15 Pacific Live or recorded. Various pricing options. Click here to enroll.

Change, becoming, and coming more fully into life and goodness - these are processes that require steady practice and support. We will meet each month in the illumination of the full moon to let go of what is done, open to new life, listen to the guidance that has come, and to continue forward on the paths towards your goals. We will use meditation, sharing, and a gentle form of the consciously connected breath to support healing and growth. The breath is the most simple thing and it is also a deep ceremony.


Come together on each full moon of the 13 moons in a year. These 13 moons represent the journey of transformation and the next evolution of yourself and life. Coming together each month can help you continue along your way. It is a place to remember your goals and to keep breathing in, and to keep letting go. This process will support you to come more fully into your self and to go towards what you desire. The breath allows for the healing that is needed.

Life situations continuously illuminate the next place to open. The full moon is the peak of the lunar cycle and a place of illumination and release. These circles provide a space of deep listening to what is unfolding in your heart and the next step that is needed. When you begin the 1st moon of a round of 13, write a letter to yourself about the transformation you desire.

Small Group Breathwork & Community Circles

The Small Group Breathwork Circles are an invitation to connect, share, and get support in a more personal way. These circles are not recorded and so they are for those who want to attend live and interact. My intention of these small groups is to be a part of the collective healing of attachment wounds, and the desires for real connection and group support. It is also a way to honor the depth of work that people are ready for. You are welcome in these small groups whether you are experienced in breathwork or if it will be your first time. Spots are limited to 13 people and the price per circle is $44. Or you can join for the full year for The price is meant to honor this work while also making more personal support more accessible.

Throughout the year, there will also be Community Breathwork Circles. These are free or by donation and you can attend live or receive the recording. These are a good way to begin if you are wanting to check out the practice - some people prefer to be in a larger group or to practice with the recording. These community circles also allow breathwork to be more accessible.

You are invited to attend all or any of these circles. We will meet online each month in the energy of the full moon and connect a in circle. We will consider a topic, share, and then do a full session of breathwork. Whether you come for some or all the meetings, you will be held in community and supported in your journey. In this monthly breathwork circle, you will learn how to work with the consciously connected breath, the support of community, and ritual space to keep breathing into transformation. Set aside this time to create sacred space to connect with your heart and soul. Honor the journey through life.


Upcoming Circles

Dates are picked within the energy of the full moon or new moon, on the nearest Saturday. Some circles will have topics and topics will also emerge naturally.

Please join me for
• Quarter Moon - New Year’s Vision - Sunday, February 9th, 4:00 - 6:15 Pacific Live or recorded. Various pricing options. Click here to enroll.

More dates coming soon.

I would love to have you be a part of this circle.

Email Laura if you have any questions or would like to join the list to receive the invitation each month. Please also let me know if you would like to come but need a scholarship this month.

Please enroll in advance whether you will be joining live or connecting via the recording.


About Circle Work

A circle is a landing place and a portal. It is a place where we gather up our energy and step into ritual space for the sake of vision and healing. The circle is also a cauldron–a container. We can come with what is on our hearts and minds and offer it to this cauldron, without knowing the solution. We can hold it together without needing to solve it for ourselves or anyone else. We can trust the alchemy of the moment and also the power of collective prayer and good intention for each other. The circle places everyone equal and wisdom arises from everywhere. While space will be held for safety and time managed, there is not a “teacher.” It is a place where understanding and guidance can arise from within. Similar to the breath, circle is an equalizer, no one owns the breath, no one can sell it to you. We sit together in humility and inner authority.

Container will be set including confidentiality. All will be supported to speak from their hearts - desires, triumphs, fears or pains. Circle work comes through many cultures. It is the heart of community and perhaps the oldest means of healing. Bringing healing into a circle makes it a community act. It helps release stigma, shame, and the idea that we must navigate our inner world alone.

Though we may be in little boxes on the computer screen, we evoke the image of a circle which now stretches across the continent and beyond. A container this large is powerful. As you evoke this circle, you are invited to honor the traditions of the land you are on as well as your own bloodline and connections. Traveling for more than a year together also creates a container of time where you can be supported to continue breathing into your journey.

I’ve been fortunate to experience Laura’s healing work through both her breathwork circles and individual somatic therapy sessions. I’m deeply and profoundly grateful for the space she holds and the compassion she embodies. Laura holds a level of presence and deep listening that goes way beyond non-judgment… it’s a total acceptance of what’s present, along with skillful facilitation, and this allows the depths of whatever needs to heal to safely emerge.

Laura’s taught me how to work with the breath in a way that had never really been accessible for me in the past… she has a level of mastery with this tool that allows even the most sensitive or traumatized nervous system to feel safe, supported, and challenged to expand and grow. She holds spaces for community and sharing in ways that are supportive, accepting, and inclusive and allow for the deep collective wisdom to arise… this is true healing at its best.
— Rachel Hardy, Somatic Practitioner, and Astrologer

About Breathwork

The term "Breathwork" refers to the technique of the "consciously connected breath." There are many forms and styles and the one I teach uses it in a very gentle way. It is not the usual pranayamas where you use the breath to bring regulation, nor is it a way to breathe in daily life. It is a means to release impressions on the nervous system that stand in the way of the natural breath. It is a powerful way to support life to flow forward from anywhere it got stuck. Breathwork evokes a non-ordinary state of consciousness that facilitates healing. This can happen through the experience of bliss, through emotional release, renegotiation of trauma, the comining of insight, and expanded awareness. This gentle form emphasizes your ability to welcome everything that arises. Learning this capacity of the heart is the true nectar. It is also a means to direct experience of meditation and remembering that meditation is your true nature.

This style is very gentle and also extremely powerful. It can be adapted for your abilities and needs to be safe and supportive for you. It encourages us to practice self-love and welcome all that arises so that it can heal. It releases stress and toxins from the body, limitations, unconscious patterns and other people’s ideas from our energy and mind. It takes us all the way back to our first breath, putting us in contact with the sacred tasks of this life. Breathwork is a beautiful way to heal and deepen your meditation and spiritual practice. This technique is powerful physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is also wonderful to connect with community in this way.

This technique is powerful physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Benefits can include:
• Release of stress and increases energy, aliveness and sense of well-being.
•Release of toxins from the cells of the body: 70% of toxins are released through the breath, so when you breath more, you release more.
• Allows old emotions, memories and past traumas to arise and release in a safe, gentle way.
• Access and transform the source of dis-ease by understanding the underlying resonances.
• Understand relationship issues by embracing and healing old wounds of abandonment, rejection and loss.
• Access expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity about one's path and purpose.
• Heals the wound of imagined separation.
• Increases the experience of peace and surrender.
• Allows a feeling of being connected to–and caring for–yourself, the earth, the universe, and all beings.
• Transcends the mind and emotions and supports the awakening to the truth of who you really are.


About the Full Moon

The full moon is the end of a cycle. It is a time to gather up the medicine, gifts, and journey of the cycle and–from that fullness–to release what is no longer needed. The full moon is a time of gratitude, recognition, and release. It is the medicine bundle. At the full moon, the veil is thin. The opportunity for connection with self, clarity, and invisible support is more present. This often comes in the form of stronger emotion and intensity, there may be more powerful dreams or the sense of being taped out or pushed to our edge - our job is to listen deeply, not resist or deny, and let go.

It is powerful to gather in circle in reflection of the full moon. The breath is the perfect practice for this because it supports us to let go of the old mental constructs and let the tides work on us. 13 moons is symbolic of total transformation. Not just a circle but a spiral. A portal to a deeper knowing of self. So many times we will turn back just before we make it to something totally new. Calling in a relationship with all the ways we are held–the cycles of the moon, community, the earth, the breath, the universe–can help us step into the unknown and into the next manifestation of what we have always known is possible.

During a difficult time in my life, I found incredible support in Laura’s yoga classes, breath work and one on one somatic therapy sessions. Laura uses a gentle and patient style to guide each of us to discover our true self and find the power of self compassion and love. From Laura’s teachings, it became possible to shed the origin story that was not serving and move toward awareness, forgiveness and choice. I will always be grateful for the gifts of Laura’s wisdom.
— Elaine

Pricing & Suggested Donation

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